MARCH MONTH 2024 HOROSCOPE astrology cafe

1. Aries

In month of March, your married life will be very romantic. Don't try to complete your work hastily. You will receive benefits from high-ranking officers. New startups may get investor backing. Your faith will increase in religious rituals and practices. You will have fun and enjoyment. Those associated with hotel and real estate sector will see a sudden surge in their business. You will earn good profits from share market. Your siblings will get rid of their problems.

There are chances of discord in your family. But be mindful that you don't hurt anyone from your behaviour. Don't make fuss about small matters. The second week will be boring. Your reputation will decrease due to your bad company. You might face some ups and downs in your business in the third week. The month won't be favourable for your children. Strangers may trouble you. You might have to go on an unplanned journey in the second half of the month.

2. Taurus

Your courage and valour will increase. There will be excellent understanding in love relationship. People will admire your good habits and emulate them. The first week of the month will be most favourable for you. The marriage of unmarried people might get fixed. New hopes in life will give you inner happiness. The love and care of your life partner will overwhelm you. You will enjoy sumptuous meals. The March 14 transit of Sun in 11th house from your Rashi will help you in completing your hindered work. Your respect and reputation will increase in the second half of the month.

This month, try to keep a balanced point of view in every situation. Your biggest problem will be your bad temper. You might get into troubles for saying something thoroughly inappropriate. Don't lose your temper on your life partner. After March 15 Mars, Saturn and Venus will transit to tenth house, so if you have business partnership then be careful about paperwork. You might also face some financial problems. Don't argue with your neighbours. You will be able to complete multiple tasks simultaneously. The last week of the month will be unfavourable for you.

3. Gemini

You will be very active at the beginning of the month. You will be polite and respectful to others. Business people will need to pay attention to their work methodology. The entire month will be favourable for retailers. You will also try to help others and people will admire you for this quality. Working professionals may get good job offers in the second half of the month. You will achieve some big professional success. Your married life will be very romantic. In the last week, Mercury will come out from debilitation and transit to your eleventh house and this will increase your income.

The month will begin on a negative note. You will need to arrange for funds for your future plans. Some people might also cheat or deceive you. Negative incidents of the past will re-emerge. Your father may get upset with you. Don't be careless about your health. Maintain cordial tied with high-ranking officers, otherwise they will become hostile towards you. The second and the third week of the month will be unfavourable for you.

4. Cancer

This month, you will need to be very sensible and positive. Your interest will rapidly increase in philosophical discussions. There will be good profits from marketing-related work. Those working in multinational companies may invest big amount of money in insurance and other things. You will have good reputation in your family. Avoid going out in hot and cold weather without protecting yourself. People will try to share their feelings with you. The second and the fifth week will be most favourable for you.

This month you might have to go on a sudden journey. But your journey will be inconvenient. There might be discord in your family over some issue. The behaviour of your life partner will upset you. Don't share your secrets with anyone. You might also face some problems in property-related matters. Those suffering from arthritis and diabetes may have some health issues. Take special care of your health in the last 3-4 days of the month.

5. Leo

You will need to focus on some important and special tasks at the beginning of the month. You will get some good career opportunities in the first week. You might get new responsibilities and roles at workplace. You will perform all your work with great focus. Prominent people will help you. You will complete government-related work without any hurdles. Mutual support and understanding will increase in your marriage. You will solve your problems with your confidence and valour. You will take keen interest in religion and spirituality.

Your female boss may trouble you. Don't interfere in others' matters. In the second week, you will be fatigued and irritable due to additional workload. Vein spasm may also trouble you. Your family atmosphere will remain good. You may not get expected results in interviews very easily. Include nutritious food in your diet and be careful about hygiene conditions. The second and the fourth week will be unfavourable for you.

6. Virgo

The month will begin on a positive note. Your political connections will increase. You will make new friends. You will receive help from high-ranking officers and people's representatives. Marriage-related talks will be initiated for unmarried people in the first week. Your family may agree for your love marriage. You will be under pressure to manage multiple tasks simultaneously but you will effectively fulfill your responsibilities. Your hindered work may restart. The third and the fifth week will be most favourable for you.

Don't spoil your relationships with your life partner in any situation. You might find yourself in such situations where you may have to lie. Don't act stubbornly in any matter, otherwise you will have to face consequences. Don't be careless in high risk activities. Your financial condition may weaken. Don't take sore throat for granted. Be nice and respectful to your neighbours and coworkers. Don't take others' guarantee. The fourth week will be unfavourable for you.

7. Libra

The week will be full of achievements for you. The March 14 transit of Sun will bring positive changes in your life. Your creativity will increase. You will be able to make good use of your energy and hard work. Those associated with research work will achieve widespread recognition. You will live a lavish lifestyle. You might have huge financial gains in the second half of the month. The fourth and the fifth week will be most favourable for you.

You will be worried about your father's health in the first half of the month. Stay away from work that makes you uncomfortable. Collect all important information before making any big plans. There might be discord in your family. You will be worried about your children in the second week. The month is not favourable for your love relationship. Some dilemma will keep troubling you. Those who are sick shouldn't be careless about their medicines.

8. Scorpio

At the beginning of the month, you will indulge in material comfort and luxurious lifestyle. You will try to relax and unwind mostly. Working professionals may get promoted. You will have some unique experiences in business which will help you in future. Students will perform well in their studies. Your workload will increase in the third week. You might have big financial gains through your rivals. You will get to learn a lot from your elders. You will give importance to your ideals instead of money. You will get good growth opportunities in business. People will admire your sharp intellect.

You might be worried about some loan-related matters at the beginning of the month. Your workload will increase in the second week. Avoid borrowing money. Your extramarital affairs may get revealed. So, stay away from such relationships. You might get some bad news about an acquaintance. You will be upset for not being able to complete your long-delayed plans. There might be losses from share market and speculation. You should remain careful in the fourth week.

9. Sagittarius

You will try to complete your work quickly in the first week of the month. Undesirable situations will get better slowly. You will spend a lot of time to pursue your hobbies. This will give you inner joy and contentment. Business people will have financial gains from other sources as well. You might work on new projects. You will try to repay your debt this month. Your income will be better than your expectations. New love relationship will develop due to the influence of Mars.

You might have some misunderstandings with a friend. Avoid doing things that you don't like. In the second week, you might have some respiratory problems due to hot weather and pollution. Diarrhea and nausea may also trouble you. Drink plenty of water. Your coworkers will try to humiliate you. Respect the feelings of your life partner. Your children may act rudely and strangely. The second half of the month will be unfavourable for you.

10. Capricorn

Those who were thinking about transfer or relocation may get sudden opportunities to switch job. The month will begin on a positive note. You will get good results in your endeavours. You will get opportunities to prove your talent. Working professionals may get promoted to a higher position due to the transit of Sun. You won't get stressed even with additional workload. You will study hard to increase your knowledge. You will take extra interest in deep philosophical knowledge. You will overpower your opponents. The third and the fifth week will be most favourable for you.

You will face many challenges in the second week of the month. Don't give and take wrong advice. You might have differences with your colleagues in partnership-based business. You should respect point of view of others also. You might feel jealousy towards a friend of yours. But this will badly impact your personal interests. Your expenses will suddenly increase in the third week. It would be necessary to control your unnecessary expenses. Remain careful from people of opposite sex.

11. Aquarius

At the beginning of the month, you will be benefited from a person of opposite sex. The first week will be average for you. But you will be very active in the second and the third week. Marketing-related work will give you good returns. Your love partner may insist for marriage. Married couples will enjoy their married life. You might have to play a very strong and responsible role at workplace. You will spend money on your family in the fourth week. High-ranking officers will be honoured.

The month is not favourable for weddings and other auspicious ceremonies. Don't disregard traditional belief systems. Overthinking may cause eye strain and headache. You might be misled by social media posts in the fourth week. Take care of the health of your father and other elderly family members. You will be worried about the marriage of your unmarried child. Private sector employees will face some problems in the fifth week.

12. Pieces

This month, you will be busy with your research work. You will get excellent opportunities for business expansion. You might also take a loan for this purpose. You will get back your outstanding money. You must take advice from prominent and experienced people. You should only focus on your career. Those preparing for competitive exams may change their strategy. Your political connections will benefit you. You will be happy with the success of your children. You may go on a romantic date with your partner in the second week. It would be better to complete important work in the first half of the month.

The transit of Sun to your Rashi may impact your family life. You will need to spend a lot of money on the maintenance of your vehicle. Speak gently with others. But don't act like a sycophant. Avoid making big decisions in the third week. Banking professionals will be worried about something. Remain careful about your finances the entire month. The middle part of the month will be stressful.