MARCH MONTH 2024 HOROSCOPE astrology cafe

1. Aries

In month of March, your married life will be very romantic. Don't try to complete your work hastily. You will receive benefits from high-ranking officers. New startups may get investor backing. Your faith will increase in religious rituals and practices. You will have fun and enjoyment. Those associated with hotel and real estate sector will see a sudden surge in their business. You will earn good profits from share market. Your siblings will get rid of their problems.

There are chances of discord in your family. But be mindful that you don't hurt anyone from your behaviour. Don't make fuss about small matters. The second week will be boring. Your reputation will decrease due to your bad company. You might face some ups and downs in your business in the third week. The month won't be favourable for your children. Strangers may trouble you. You might have to go on an unplanned journey in the second half of the month.

2. Taurus

Your courage and valour will increase. There will be excellent understanding in love relationship. People will admire your good habits and emulate them. The first week of the month will be most favourable for you. The marriage of unmarried people might get fixed. New hopes in life will give you inner happiness. The love and care of your life partner will overwhelm you. You will enjoy sumptuous meals. The March 14 transit of Sun in 11th house from your Rashi will help you in completing your hindered work. Your respect and reputation will increase in the second half of the month.

This month, try to keep a balanced point of view in every situation. Your biggest problem will be your bad temper. You might get into troubles for saying something thoroughly inappropriate. Don't lose your temper on your life partner. After March 15 Mars, Saturn and Venus will transit to tenth house, so if you have business partnership then be careful about paperwork. You might also face some financial problems. Don't argue with your neighbours. You will be able to complete multiple tasks simultaneously. The last week of the month will be unfavourable for you.

3. Gemini

You will be very active at the beginning of the month. You will be polite and respectful to others. Business people will need to pay attention to their work methodology. The entire month will be favourable for retailers. You will also try to help others and people will admire you for this quality. Working professionals may get good job offers in the second half of the month. You will achieve some big professional success. Your married life will be very romantic. In the last week, Mercury will come out from debilitation and transit to your eleventh house and this will increase your income.

The month will begin on a negative note. You will need to arrange for funds for your future plans. Some people might also cheat or deceive you. Negative incidents of the past will re-emerge. Your father may get upset with you. Don't be careless about your health. Maintain cordial tied with high-ranking officers, otherwise they will become hostile towards you. The second and the third week of the month will be unfavourable for you.

4. Cancer

This month, you will need to be very sensible and positive. Your interest will rapidly increase in philosophical discussions. There will be good profits from marketing-related work. Those working in multinational companies may invest big amount of money in insurance and other things. You will have good reputation in your family. Avoid going out in hot and cold weather without protecting yourself. People will try to share their feelings with you. The second and the fifth week will be most favourable for you.

This month you might have to go on a sudden journey. But your journey will be inconvenient. There might be discord in your family over some issue. The behaviour of your life partner will upset you. Don't share your secrets with anyone. You might also face some problems in property-related matters. Those suffering from arthritis and diabetes may have some health issues. Take special care of your health in the last 3-4 days of the month.

5. Leo

You will need to focus on some important and special tasks at the beginning of the month. You will get some good career opportunities in the first week. You might get new responsibilities and roles at workplace. You will perform all your work with great focus. Prominent people will help you. You will complete government-related work without any hurdles. Mutual support and understanding will increase in your marriage. You will solve your problems with your confidence and valour. You will take keen interest in religion and spirituality.

Your female boss may trouble you. Don't interfere in others' matters. In the second week, you will be fatigued and irritable due to additional workload. Vein spasm may also trouble you. Your family atmosphere will remain good. You may not get expected results in interviews very easily. Include nutritious food in your diet and be careful about hygiene conditions. The second and the fourth week will be unfavourable for you.

6. Virgo

The month will begin on a positive note. Your political connections will increase. You will make new friends. You will receive help from high-ranking officers and people's representatives. Marriage-related talks will be initiated for unmarried people in the first week. Your family may agree for your love marriage. You will be under pressure to manage multiple tasks simultaneously but you will effectively fulfill your responsibilities. Your hindered work may restart. The third and the fifth week will be most favourable for you.

Don't spoil your relationships with your life partner in any situation. You might find yourself in such situations where you may have to lie. Don't act stubbornly in any matter, otherwise you will have to face consequences. Don't be careless in high risk activities. Your financial condition may weaken. Don't take sore throat for granted. Be nice and respectful to your neighbours and coworkers. Don't take others' guarantee. The fourth week will be unfavourable for you.

7. Libra

The week will be full of achievements for you. The March 14 transit of Sun will bring positive changes in your life. Your creativity will increase. You will be able to make good use of your energy and hard work. Those associated with research work will achieve widespread recognition. You will live a lavish lifestyle. You might have huge financial gains in the second half of the month. The fourth and the fifth week will be most favourable for you.

You will be worried about your father's health in the first half of the month. Stay away from work that makes you uncomfortable. Collect all important information before making any big plans. There might be discord in your family. You will be worried about your children in the second week. The month is not favourable for your love relationship. Some dilemma will keep troubling you. Those who are sick shouldn't be careless about their medicines.

8. Scorpio

At the beginning of the month, you will indulge in material comfort and luxurious lifestyle. You will try to relax and unwind mostly. Working professionals may get promoted. You will have some unique experiences in business which will help you in future. Students will perform well in their studies. Your workload will increase in the third week. You might have big financial gains through your rivals. You will get to learn a lot from your elders. You will give importance to your ideals instead of money. You will get good growth opportunities in business. People will admire your sharp intellect.

You might be worried about some loan-related matters at the beginning of the month. Your workload will increase in the second week. Avoid borrowing money. Your extramarital affairs may get revealed. So, stay away from such relationships. You might get some bad news about an acquaintance. You will be upset for not being able to complete your long-delayed plans. There might be losses from share market and speculation. You should remain careful in the fourth week.

9. Sagittarius

You will try to complete your work quickly in the first week of the month. Undesirable situations will get better slowly. You will spend a lot of time to pursue your hobbies. This will give you inner joy and contentment. Business people will have financial gains from other sources as well. You might work on new projects. You will try to repay your debt this month. Your income will be better than your expectations. New love relationship will develop due to the influence of Mars.

You might have some misunderstandings with a friend. Avoid doing things that you don't like. In the second week, you might have some respiratory problems due to hot weather and pollution. Diarrhea and nausea may also trouble you. Drink plenty of water. Your coworkers will try to humiliate you. Respect the feelings of your life partner. Your children may act rudely and strangely. The second half of the month will be unfavourable for you.

10. Capricorn

Those who were thinking about transfer or relocation may get sudden opportunities to switch job. The month will begin on a positive note. You will get good results in your endeavours. You will get opportunities to prove your talent. Working professionals may get promoted to a higher position due to the transit of Sun. You won't get stressed even with additional workload. You will study hard to increase your knowledge. You will take extra interest in deep philosophical knowledge. You will overpower your opponents. The third and the fifth week will be most favourable for you.

You will face many challenges in the second week of the month. Don't give and take wrong advice. You might have differences with your colleagues in partnership-based business. You should respect point of view of others also. You might feel jealousy towards a friend of yours. But this will badly impact your personal interests. Your expenses will suddenly increase in the third week. It would be necessary to control your unnecessary expenses. Remain careful from people of opposite sex.

11. Aquarius

At the beginning of the month, you will be benefited from a person of opposite sex. The first week will be average for you. But you will be very active in the second and the third week. Marketing-related work will give you good returns. Your love partner may insist for marriage. Married couples will enjoy their married life. You might have to play a very strong and responsible role at workplace. You will spend money on your family in the fourth week. High-ranking officers will be honoured.

The month is not favourable for weddings and other auspicious ceremonies. Don't disregard traditional belief systems. Overthinking may cause eye strain and headache. You might be misled by social media posts in the fourth week. Take care of the health of your father and other elderly family members. You will be worried about the marriage of your unmarried child. Private sector employees will face some problems in the fifth week.

12. Pieces

This month, you will be busy with your research work. You will get excellent opportunities for business expansion. You might also take a loan for this purpose. You will get back your outstanding money. You must take advice from prominent and experienced people. You should only focus on your career. Those preparing for competitive exams may change their strategy. Your political connections will benefit you. You will be happy with the success of your children. You may go on a romantic date with your partner in the second week. It would be better to complete important work in the first half of the month.

The transit of Sun to your Rashi may impact your family life. You will need to spend a lot of money on the maintenance of your vehicle. Speak gently with others. But don't act like a sycophant. Avoid making big decisions in the third week. Banking professionals will be worried about something. Remain careful about your finances the entire month. The middle part of the month will be stressful.


1. Aries

There may be a lot of improvement in your working methodology. You may discuss serious topics with your life partner. Maintain good relations with people. Money-related problems will be resolved. Due to this your morale will remain high. Marriage of unmarried girls may get fixed.

2. Taurus

Today, you will be in a better mood than before. Working professionals will be very loyal towards their work. You should avoid controversial matters. You will follow an organized daily routine. You will also pay a lot of attention to alternative sources of income. You will get excellent support from your friends.

3. Gemini

You may be confused about your career. You may have arguments with officers at the workplace. Those associated with politics will have a lot of pressure. Don't be over-emotional about love relationships. It will be beneficial to focus on the present instead of making long-term plans.

4. Cancer

You may be selfish by your nature. Due to this, your image may get spoiled. It would not be appropriate to do any work in a hurry. The day is not favourable for students pursuing higher education. Be serious about your studies. You may have to face disputes with colleagues at work.

5. Leo

The day will be highly favourable for you. People will appreciate your decisions. The day is favourable for those associated with the IT sector. You will try to learn something new, but you should be very careful while shopping online today. You may be very fond of food.

6. Virgo

The day will begin on a positive note for you. You will be quite aggressive about your work. Be polite and gentle while talking to anyone. You may focus on starting the pending tasks. Your life partner may have some complaints from you. Don't let there be a lack of communication with your family members.

7. Libra

Today, you will be engaged in intellectual work. You will be able to influence people with your words and diplomatic skills. You may find a solution to any big problem. You will be able to strengthen your influence in the workplace. Use technology carefully.

8. Scorpio

Today, you will not be able to concentrate on work. Some unnecessary thoughts may confuse you. Your money may get wasted. Be careful while shopping and making transactions. You may be worried about your children. You will have to make extra efforts in the workplace.

9. Sagittarius

Today, you will be in a cheerful mood. Those associated with the real estate sector may get huge benefits. You will improve your working style. People will be delighted with your behaviour. You may make plans to expand your business. Your vehicle might malfunction in the evening.

10. Capricorn

You may be successful if you are looking for a job transfer. Your colleagues and friends at work will praise you a lot. The day will be full of great possibilities for unemployed people. The day is also favourable for proposing your love mate. You might go on a business trip.

11. Aquarius

Today, you should avoid being in the company of bad people. People may cheat on you. Money may be spent on your health. Liver patients may face some health issues. You will have to face some problems while travelling. You may be more attracted towards unnecessary activities. Don't let your time get wasted.

12. Pieces

Today, you will be distressed. You may suffer due to being in the company of bad people. You may be dissatisfied with your job. People who have ulcers and digestion problems should take special care of themselves. It is not right to be hasty regarding love marriage at this time.

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Chart Synthesis

* Factors Toning Each Planetary Principle :-

Each planet represents a specific dimension of experience. and that dimension of experience is toned or colored by a myriad of factors. In other words, how will each dimension of experience (shown by the planets) be toned or colored in your life? When you begin to examine all the factors toning each planet. so many things must be taken into account that, in fact, you have to use considerable psychic enemy to begin to feel them all at once. The analytical mind simply can't cope with such a variety and quantity of variables all at once. each of them having an effect in a slightly different degree.

The following factors all affect a particular planet and thus constitute the tones or colorations of a certain dimension of experience:

1) The planet’s Sign :- 

This is the fundamental energy wave and attunement of the planet in a particular chart, and it is symbolic of a dominant mode of expression of that planetary principle. Other factors modulate this basic attunement.

2) The planet's Subtone :-

This is the Sign position of the planet‘s dispositor, utilizing the ancient rulers only (8.3.. a person who has Moon in Virgo and Mercury in Sagittarius is a person who has a Virgo Moon with a Sagittarian Subtone).

3) The planet's close Aspects :- 

The major aspects, including all thirty-degree multiple angles, all noticeably color a planet‘s expression.

4) The planet's House position :-

For example. if a person's Venus is in the third house, it is similar to having a Mercury aspect to Venus. i.e.. a Mercurian tone is added to the basic Venus attunement.

One could go on adding various minor factors. but that would unnecessarily complicate what is already a very complex picture. Eventually. one would wind up having every planet influenced or "toned" by every other astrological factor! At a certain profound level of unity and wholeness, this is of course true. But for the practical purpose of chart synthesis in order to better understand specific qualities. energies. abilities. and problems of an individual, one must focus within certain limitations and guidelines. One needs to focus on the major reliable factors, especially those that repeat.

As an example. let’s consider a specific chart‘ and focus just on one planet. With the Moon in Sagittarius. there is a dominant Sagittarius tone to how this person reacts to all sorts of things and situations. The Moon principle is reaction-how do you react instinctively and spontaneously to anything? No matter what other factors are toning this person's Moon. them will always be some of that Sagittarius quality in the way he reacts to life's demands: bluntness. fiery defensiveness. broadmindedness. enthusiasm, tolerance. a need to link life's small events to larger issues. an urge to teach or to preach. and so on. Hence. the Sign position of the Moon is the dominant tone, but let us briefly consider the other factors that were just mentioned above.

The Subtone of the Moon: The Moon's subtone is Virgo since Jupiter. the ruling planet of Sagittarius. is in Virgo. So. this person is a particularly analytical Sagittarius Moon. Jupiter in Virgo is analyzing and trying to figure out why the lunar part of the self is so unwarrantedly optimistic. for Virgo can always find numerous problems! Virgo is square Sagittarius. after all. It does produce a very mental person when both of these signs are strongly energized. So. there is a Virgoan tone added to this person's Sagittarian Moon.

Aspects with the Moon : First and most importantly. the Pisces Sun is exactly square the Moon. The Pisces sensitivity is always “toning” or coloring the more forceful and relatively insensitive Sagittarian Moon, while simultaneously the Moon's enthusiastic, optimistic qualities are constantly coloring the expression of the usually cautious. introverted Pisces Sun. Mars in Aquarius, sextiling the Moon closely. adds another coloration of experimentation and adventuresomeness to the Sagittarian Moon. stimulating further the urge to travel and liking for change and excitement. This orientation is further amplified by the close Uranus aspect to the Moon, another indicator of this person feeling comfortable mainly when in the midst of variety. travel, learning. excitement. and change of all kinds. (Keep in mind that both Sun and Moon ave mutable signs, both of which therefore crave variety and are unusually flexible in adapting to changes.)

These various tones affecting the Moon are so far adding up to give a fairly clear and very strong single message. However, when one looks at the House position of the Moon. there appears a bit more complexity. The Moon is in the Second House, where it is usually quite comfortable. (The Moon is traditionally exalted in Taurus, the Sign associated with the second house.) However, when a person has this Second House tone of stability. reluctance to change, attachment to routine pleasures. end stubbornness added to a Moon that is otherwise just the opposite of those qualities. the astrological counselor has plenty of substantial issues and complex qualities to discuss with the client. (I should not leave this subject without acknowledging that this person has generally made his living through teaching. including through workshops and seminars that required travel. He has even taught long workshops in foreign countries, excellently symbolized by a Sagittarian Moon in the Second House!)

Human beings are so complex that. if you begin to talk about “chart synthesis" or “chart interpretation,” where is the end of it? Each planet is so interwoven with other factors and often incorporates such a complex of various tones and colorations that the astrology student, especially the beginner. often becomes extremely confused and discouraged. That is why the chart must always be related to specific issues. problems. decisions, and questions that the person is involved in. One needs to focus on what is important for the person in order not to get lost in endless possibilities. If one tries to do a “complete reading" for a person, there is no end to it; it is really an absolute impossibility. How could any of us ever sum up such a complex, infinite. and ever-changing mystery as a human being?

* Understanding Themes In the Birth Chart :-

After considering the various dominant tones affecting the personal planets of a chart, one may notice one or several tones that seem especially dominant by being repeated over and over. Recognizing such pervasive tones is the first step toward recognizing themes in any chart. One effective method of further understanding themes in a chart is to combine the chief factors of the chart by using the “twelve letters of the astrological alphabet” in all their combinations and seeing which combinations (or “interchanges") repeat significantly.

The astrological alphabet is basically as follows:

Letter 1: Aries. Mars & lst House

Letter 2: Taurus. Venus & 2nd House 

Letter 3: Gemini. Mercury & 3rd House 

Letter 4: Cancer, Moon & 4th House 

Letter 5: Leo, Sun & 5th House

Letter 6: Virgo, Mercury & 6th House

Letter 7: Libra. Venus & 7th House

Letter 8: Scorpio. Pluto & 8th House 

Letter 9: Sagittarius. Jupiter & 9th House 

Letter 10: Capricorn. Saturn & 10th House 

Letter 11: Aquarius. Uranus & 11th House 

Letter 12: Pisces. Neptune & 12th House

For example. if one's chart not only has Mars in Scorpio [an interchange between astrological letters 1 and 8, thus coloring or toning the expression of the Mars energy with a Pluto quality) but also includes a close Mars-Pluto aspect (another interchange of letters 1 and 8), there is a double emphasis on the same combination of energies: and hence, the expression of Mars energy will be powerfully characterized by Plutonian qualities. If Mars is also in the 8th house or if Pluto is in the 1st house. this theme will be even more dominant.

Another example might help to explain this mode of synthetic analysis. especially for beginning and intermediate students of astrology. Suppose a person has Mercury in Capricorn; this person's attunement of the conscious mind will inevitably share some fundamental qualities with all others who have this Mercury placement. But suppose this particular person also has Saturn in close aspect to Mercury. This gives us two different emphases on the same theme: an interchange of astrological letters (or principles) 3 and 10 (or between 6 and 10 if the Virgoan dimension of Mercury seems strong for this person). With such a double emphasis on the same fundamental dynamic, we know that this individual will have a strong propensity toward handling exacting detail, toward a serious and practical mode of thinking, toward nervous tension, and toward working hard to develop certainty about their ideas. If this person has other factors in the birth-chart which also represent interchanges between these same principles (such as Mercury in the 10th house or Saturn in the 3rd or 6th house). there would be even greater dominance of this theme in the person's life: and the astrologer could therefore know with certainty that this would have to be one of the major things discussed during the consultation.

Another area of interpretation and chart synthesis which students of astrology find difficult is the entire question of configurations between many planets, involving a number of different aspects. Ultimately, only years of experience and practice will enable the student to overcome this seemingly insurmountable obstacle; for one must develop the ability to see configurations in a chart as a whole and to blend the meaning of all the planets involved in such complex combinations. However. many textbooks are so filled with abstract theory about various configurations (grand trine, T-square, grand cross. kite. etc.) that they make the whole process seem much more difficult than it really is. What is usually ignored is the fact that all those various factors and details simply symbolize facets of one whole, living person. And. in such configurations. there are two basic things to keep in mind which are much more important than the exact type of configuration involved:

A. Rather than focusing upon the type of configuration being considered (for example. a grand trine, yod. kite, etc.], one must primarily understand the meaning of the planets involved and their specific interchanges with other planets in that configuration. One is then able to blend these meanings in a way which accurately reflects how an individual actually experiences these energies. Any of the traditional configurations can be productive and creative, regardless of beliefs to the contrary. since they all represent particularly intensified interactions of the energies and principles symbolized by the planets involved. Secondarily. one should blend the energies of the signs involved in the configuration.

B. Most of all. one should focus one's attention on any personal planet (or the Ascendant) involved in a configuration. for that factor symbolizes the most immediate mode of expression for the energies of the entire configuration; and it reveals a dimension of the individual's being which is usually at least partially conscious and therefore has a particularly direct impact on his or her everyday experience. An individual will be able to identify with the meaning of a personal planet, and thus will be more able to understand and perhaps to modify the expression of that energy.

Finally, I have been urged to include in this book a simple. systematic Outline of Chart Interpretation which lists a sequence of steps that beginners might follow in trying to understand any chart. Although “chart synthesis" will not develop just from following a sequence of guidelines, beginning students of astrology do need to start somewhere with an intelligent step by-step approach to interpretation. Therefore. 1 have adapted an Outline that I have used in many beginning astrology classes.

Following such a systematic approach does have its drawbacks; in reality. once a person has absorbed quite a lot of astrology. he or she will naturally tune into the major themes of that person‘s life and chart. replying to certain questions that a client may ask. and focusing on some chart factors while placing little emphasis on others. But that comes with experience. As I said above. people do need to start somewhere. and following this Outline will at least keep one oriented toward the major factors in a chart and keep one open to the wholistic nature of any chart and to the possibilities for chart synthesis.

The Outline includes a few chart factors and terms that are not explained in this book. but the reader can easily find the explanation for those terms in one of the astrological encyclopedias or major textbooks. It is outside the scope of this work to include all such traditional factors. An excellent explanation of virtually all astrological terminology is Nicholas Devore’s Encyclopedia of Astrology. an extremely intelligent and comprehensive work.

* Outline of Chart Interpretation :-

1. The Chart as a Whole :- 

A. Preponderance & Deficiencies Shown by Planets’ Positions

1. By Sign Placement  

a) Element (Fire. Earth. Air & Water Signs) 

b) Quadruplicity (Cardinal, Fixed & Mutable Signs)

2. By House Placement 

a) Angular, Succedent & Cadent 

b) Fire. Earth, Air & Water Houses

B. Note the overall pattern of the chart: use your intuition to see the chart as a diagram of energy patterns. Note immediately any clusters of planets (a "stellium"), which strongly emphasize particular signs and houses.

2. The Main Components of the Chart Structure :-

A. Using the Astrological Alphabet. note any major themes that emerge. Explore any tone that seems particularly dominant.

B. Dominant Aspect Patterns & Major Configurations (Grand Trine, T-Square. any Stellium. multiple aspects between a number of planets between two signs, etc.)

3. The “Lights" :-

A. Compatibility of Sun & Moon by element 

B. The Sun 

1. Sign 
2. House 
3. Closest Aspect(s) 

C. The Moon 

1. Sign 
2. House 
3. Closest Aspect(s)

4. The Angles :- (Birth time must be accurate to use these factors.)

A. Note especially any conjunctions to the ASC or Midheaven; these planets are invariably powerful and magnified in intensity.

B. The Ascendant

1. Sign and compatibility with Sun Sign by element
2. Closest Aspect(s)
3. Position by Sign & House of the Ruling Planet of the ASC. as well as its close aspects

C. The Midheaven

1. Sign 
2. Closest Aspect(s) 
3. Position by Sign & House of the Ruling Planet of the MC 

5. Traditional Techniques for Evaluation of Planets :-

A. Planets Weak or strong by sign placement (Planets in “Dignity." “Fall." “Exaltation,” or “Detriment").

B. Planets Weak or strong by house placement (e.g., a planet in its own house, with the same letter of the astrological alphabet. is always especially strong).

C. Note the Ruling Planet of the Sun Sign. its House, Sign & Aspects.

6. Pivotal Components of Chart Structure :-

A. look to the closest square or opposition involving a personal planet. indicative of a primary challenge in life where the person has to strive and potentially can achieve a new awareness.

B. Look to all conjunctions with personal planets, as well as other close aspects with the personal planets and their Signs and Houses.

C. Any planet in the lst House is very powerful: the closer to the ASC. the more powerful (including near the ASC on the 12th House side.)

D. The House Position of Saturn is always important.

Ascendant and Midheaven

* Key Concepts for the Ascendant :-

The Ascendant (or “Rising Sign”) is almost impossible to sum up. It is many things at once: a symbol of how one acts in the world, the “mask” or “image of the personality" that others see, and a spontaneous energy and attitude toward life that pervades the entire being. Although in some people it is quite obvious. 

It can be the face a man wears whilst he projects himself into his business and social activities. concealing much of his true character that only his intimates-and often not even they-know exists.

And yet. this “image of the personality" that others see is not intentionally projected; it is automatic. Furthermore. neither is it superficial in the sense that many astrological writings imply. The Ascendant always indicates something essential about the person that is at once deeply inner and also outer. It is virtually impossible for a person to act in the world or express himself or herself without bringing the Ascendant into play. In many ways, it is the gate through which we most directly confront the outer world. It symbolizes our individual approach to life itself. It represents the way one actively merges with life in the outer world when one’s energy is flowing spontaneously.

The Ascendant reveals the way we feel ourselves to be uniquely ourselves. It always denotes something essential about the individual’s personality and approach to life. but it may appear more dominant and authentic when the rest of the chart supports and harmonizes with it. When the rest of the chart is not particularly attuned to the qualities and energy of the Ascendant. the ASC may then appear more superficial, a relatively artificial mask that may be quite at odds with the rest of the person’s nature.

* The Element of the Ascendant :-

The element of the Ascendant reveals the quality of energy flow directly vitalizing the physical body and the overall approach to life? Fire or Air signs rising tend to conduct energy. encouraging active self-expression and dynamic expenditure of energy. Earth or Water signs rising tend to conserve and resist the flow of vital energies. and hence indicate self-containment (sometimes self-repression) and the tendency of living within oneself.

Fire Signs Rising (Aries, Leo & Sagittarius): Great vitality. physically energetic. beams energy outward into the world. Marked by a positive. optimistic outlook on life and a confident. bluntly honest demeanor. Active. wants to make a mark on life and see the results of one's efforts manifested in the world. Action-orientation can lead to wasteful excesses and less awareness of the subtler needs of self and others.

Air Signs Rising (Gemini. Libra. & Aquarius): Mentally quick and active: inquisitive. social. friendly. verbal. Often clever. with rapid perceptions. Can be overly intellectual to the point of chronically debating everything inwardly without taking action. Wants to understand everything; lives a lot in the world of concepts. Has a natural facility for communication and perceiving others' viewpoints.

Earth Signs Rising (Taurus. Virgo & Capricorn): A matter-of-fact outlook. Focus on the material world and conservative attitudes can inhibit imagination. which is then allowed to limit the person's options and/or restrain spontaneous self-expression. Steadiness and reliability are often well-developed and highly valued by self and others. Practicality and inborn patience give more tolerance for routine than other Ascendants show. A systematic approach. usually along established channels, is the most common method of expressing oneself.

Water Signs Rising (Cancer, Scorpio & Pisces): Most easily influenced by the environment and by other people. Sensitive, moody, wary because of a strong feeling of vulnerability and likelihood of being hurt. Protective of self but also of others one canes about. Sympathetic. feels others' emotions immediately and forcefully. Very private. lives deeply within oneself.

* The Ruler of the Ascendant :-

The planet that is associated with the Rising Sign is so important that it has been known traditionally as the “Ruler of the Chart” or the birth chart’s “Ruling Planet.” By its sign and house position, it invariably colors the individual's entire approach to life. Once you have tuned in on and accepted the field of experience and the type of enemy represented by the ruling planet and its house and sign, you begin to feel more alive, more motivated to express yourself. and more inwardly secure and true to yourself.

Ruling Planet’s Sign Position: Reveals an energy attunement and specific qualities that are powerfully important and even dominant in many cases. This sign shows a primary motivating energy in the person's actions and self-expression.

Ruling Planet’s House Position: Shows a field of experience where much of one's life energy and effort manifest. and where one will encounter life activities and issues that are deeply important. One must be active in this area of life in order to express and stimulate many essential energies and abilities.

Actually. the ASC and its ruling planet must always be considered together. as one interpretive unit. For example, a Gemini Rising with Ruling Planet Mercury in Pisces will usually be more imaginative, psychically sensitive. and absent-mindedly confused than a Gemini Rising with Mercury in Taurus. where the mind will function more slowly and practically. [I call these Gemini Rising with a Pisces “Subtone” and Gemini Rising with a Taurus “Subtone."] For another example, a Cancer Rising with Ruling Planet Moon in Libra is likely to be move detached and mom diplomatic than Cancer Rising with Moon in Aries. which is so impulsive and often tactless. (I would call these two exarhples a Cancer Rising with a Libra ”Subtone" and a Cancer Rising with an Aries “Subtone.")

* Aspects to the Ascendant :-

(NOTE: The birth time must be reliable to use these aspects.)

The Ascendant’s tone is modified not only by the position of its ruling planet, but also by any close 30°-multiple angle (01' “aspect") to the Ascendant by any planet.‘ The planet aspecting the Ascendant always makes a dynamic impact and always affects the image of the personality that is projected and the entire mode of self-expression. Any such planet strongly colors the person's energy field and attitude toward life itself.

a) Conjunctions to the Ascendant. within 6°. are the most powerful of these aspects and the most immediately noticeable qualities in the person’s personality.

b) Conjunctions to the Descendant, within 6° (that is. oppositions to the Ascendant), are the second most powerful of these aspects. Since the ASC shows the most immediate image a person projects. whereas the DSC and planets near it show qualities that especially emerge in relationships and may be contrary to the person's image, these aspects can sometimes indicate an inner division in the individual, wherein the person alternately manifests two different modes of being that seem completely opposite, symbolized by the ASC and the planet opposite it. In other cases. there seems to be simply a strong coloration of the personality by that planet. particularly seen in the area of personal relationships. with no significant opposite or contradictory problems being felt.

c) Square aspects to the Ascendant are often among the most frustrating or challenging of aspects to the ASC. They sometimes symbolize pressures from the person’s early environment, manifesting as a type of oppression or inhibition (especially when the planet involved is in the 4th house). or

as a pressure toward achievement or recognition (especially when the planet involved is in the 10th house). However, like all such challenging aspects. these squares can also show where the greatest effort toward growth may take place.

d) Any planet closely aspecting the Ascendant adds its quality to your consciousness, starting at an early age.‘ You have it within you and at your disposal automatically, although you may have to learn to acknowledge or integrate it. In other words. you can consciously develop that quality further as time goes by. It can be a major source of energy for you once you learn to tap it.

e) Even if the Sun and Moon make no close aspect with the Ascendant, and even if the birth time is slightly in doubt, it is still very important to understand how the elements of these three dominant factors blend within the individual. This will clarify how the essential energies of life flow together and to what extent the Ascendant encourages or restrains the expression of the Sun and Moon energies.

* The Midheaven :-

Aging and maturing often mean reaching for and concretizing the goals and dreams that we envision when we are young. The Midheaven's sign. the placement of its ruler, and planets in the 10th house symbolize this process. Although the Midheaven sign is not always obvious in an outward way. it is always an important part of the birth chart, since it describes the manifestation and development of one’s vocation and standing in the world. Almost all astrological texts describe the Midheaven (or MC as it is often abbreviated) as representing one’s “career” or “place in the world.” It is those things. as well as a few others. When young. 8 person does not usually identify with the type of energy represented by the sign on the MC, unless one or more of the personal planets are in that sign also. The Midheaven symbolizes qualities that we spontaneously grow toward as we get older. qualities that require effort to attain. It represents achievement. authority. your potential social contribution, and your vocation or “calling." Fulfillment comes through learning to express the energy represented by the sign on the MC.

* The Ruling Planet of the Midheaven :-

The ruling planet of the Midheaven sign is important not only due to its general symbolic meaning. but also due to the fact that its house position so often shows where your real vocation comes into clearest focus. That house represents a field of experience which feels like your true calling at a very deep level. If your Midheaven is in a sign that has a traditional ruler and a modern ruler. the house position of both can be important. However. the sign position of the traditional ruler is usually more important than that of the modern ruler.

* Planets in the 10th House & Aspects to the Midheaven :-

Planets in the 10th house, especially those that conjunct the MC (on either side of the MC], represent ways of being, qualities, and types of activity that are extremely important to the individual and which he or she respects. Due to this feeling of respect. people will often exhibit these qualities or express these energies publicly in order that others might think well of them.

Other than the conjunction, other close aspects to the Midheaven can be considered almost equal in effect. The type of aspect is much less important than the specific planet making that aspect. and the exactitude of the aspect. Traditionally. these aspects are correlated with your public self-expression. career. and vocational goals. Any planet in close aspect with the Midheaven indicates a type of energy and orientation which is essential in the achievement of your position in the world and instrumental in what you will contribute to society.

For example. with Venus closely aspecting the Midheaven. it is important to contribute something artistic or beautiful to society. One-to-one interactions are likely to be important to one's public self-expression, and the person is likely to be concerned with making a pleasant and cooperative contribution to society.

As another example. in the charts of three publishers I can think of off hand. Jupiter is in a very close aspect to the MC in all three charts: the conjunction in one and the sextile in the other two. And traditionally. Jupiter is the planet of publishing.

Interpreting the Ascendant

* Interpreting  the  Ascendant :-

Although the Ascendant is of deep and pervasive importance for each individual, there is no denying that it must be related to the rest of the chart.“ and especially to the Sun Sign. in order to understand it thoroughly for a particular person. The Sun, after all, is the core identity. the very center of the consciousness, the way we assimilate much of our experience. whereas the Ascendant-although it varies in importance from person to person-is not as central to the person's nature. It shows, among other things, the approach to life; but the Sun shows life itself! The Ascendant must serve the purposes. values, and creative goals of the Sun for the individual to function happily and fully.

The Ascendant modifies the expression of the Solar energy. An entire book could be written studying the interplay of all the combinations of Sun and Ascendant, but just to give an example, a Gemini rising will always give a more socially lively and intellectually curious approach to life to any Sun Sign. It will even speed up a slow Taurus Sun, make a Scorpio Sun more social and less secretive. help a Capricorn Sun to be less defensive and more communicative. and encourage a Cancer Sun to be less shy! And yet. in all cases, no matter how similar all these Gemini rising people may seem in approach and observable personality, the central nature shown by the Sun remains defined by the Sun’s sign position.

Another useful tool for understanding how a person's Ascendant and Sun Sign interact is to compare the elements of the two factors. For example, a Cancer Sun Sign person with a Fire sign rising is usually far more extroverted. forcefully expressive, and confident than a Cancer Sun individual with, say. a more conservative, self-protective Earth sign rising. For another example. an Air sign Sun person with a Water sign rising may appear much more emotional than he or she really is. whereas a Water sign Sun person with an Air sign rising may appear far more detached and less emotional than he or she is.

The Sun in a sign always brings forth a strongly energized manifestation of that sign; although aspects to the Sun add a modifying tone to the Solar expression. one’s Sun Sign energy will hardly ever be as thoroughly altered as that of the Rising Sign can be. The Rising Sign often contains no planet, and even when it does contain a planet or two, it cannot be equal in power to the sign that contains the Sun itself (unless of course one has the Sun Sign rising”. The Ascendant qualities are thus far move easily modified. in most cases. than are the qualities and energies of the Sun Sign. Close aspects to the Ascendant strongly modify its expression, and the Sign position and aspects of the Ascendant’s ruling planet have a profound impact on the expression of the Rising Sign’s energies.

The resulting complexity of the Ascendant factor explains many things. It explains why some people do not identify very much with their Rising Sign. It explains why new students of astrology often have a hard time grasping the concept and interpretation of the Ascendant. It explains how it is that many central characteristics and tendencies of a given individual are not immediately apparent in the symbolism of the Sun and Rising Signs, and thus why many people simply do not see much immediate usefulness in basic astrological “labels.”

It should also be pointed out that people are often relatively unaware of their Ascendant nature, as compared to their Sun Sign. In that sense. the Ascendant is a factor that can be consciously developed further over time and consciously utilized to aid one's self-expression. I have known people who were relieved to find what their Rising Signs were, since it finally gave them a way of identifying a very deep but only semi-conscious tendency in themselves. In some cases, the qualities and abilities symbolized by the Ascendant were just beginning to emerge, and learning the astrological keys to this factor helped personal development greatly. (I should emphasize here that, perhaps more than with most other factors in the chart. the early environment can encourage or suppress the expression of the Ascendant's energies. since it is a primary channel with which one interacts with the outer world.)

Keeping in mind that the Ascendant is quite readily modified by the ruling planet’s position and by aspects to the Ascendant (as well as by first House planets), we can make a few general observations about the twelve different Ascendants. The reader should also use the interpretive guidelines for “The Sun in the Signs” in Chapter 5 to further explore the essential nature of each Ascendant. Newer students especially are encouraged to utilize that section for interpretive help with the various Rising Signs. I find that those guidelines for the Sun work quite well when applied to the Ascendant, and therefore, rather than repeating those key phrases in the following paragraphs, I will try to approach the meaning of each Ascendant from another angle.

In the following notes, I often use the widely accepted abbreviation for the Ascendant, ASC, for brevity. Here and there in the following, I have also mentioned various significant contrasts between the Sun Sign and the same sign on the Ascendant which I have observed over the past twenty years. These observations are admittedly subjective and may not apply to every case that the reader may know of. But I feel that the value of stimulating thought and perhaps even controversy is a more useful learning method than simply listing endless adjectives for each Ascendant. The reader should view the following comparative evaluations as guidelines, and as questions to explore, rather than as rigid statements of absolute truth.

ARIES ASCENDANT: Abrupt, ambitious, restless, impatient, always in a hurry to rush through life, these people can be quite abrasive. If Mars is in Pisces, Cancer, or one of the Earth signs, these forceful qualities can be somewhat moderated. The blunt directness of Aries Sun that can seem so offensive. insensitive, and inconsiderate to others is often toned down in many people with Aries ASC. Nonetheless, the enterprising spirit of Aries is still there, sometimes even more dynamically than in many people with Aries Sun.

TAURUS ASCENDANT: Methodical, controlled. measured movements that often seem like holding a pose: deep dislike of being rushed, strong aesthetic and pleasure motivated streak in the nature. Can be lazy or steadily productive. but still insists on doing everything in one’s own way and at one’s own pace. Venus’ sign position strongly affects how ambitious or dynamic the person is. Taurus Sun more often seems lazy than Taurus ASC (probably because the Sun is the essential vital energy), and Taurus Sun also seems to be more predictably possessive. Both want to enjoy everything they do, and therefore they refuse to rush anything, lest they interfere with the pleasure they are deriving from the here and now. An extremely physical and sensual approach to life, and a strong need for closeness, affection, and security.

GEMINI ASCENDANT: The most inquisitive and friendly Rising Sign. but also the one most inclined to be worried about oneself all the time [except perhaps Libra rising in some cases). Usually very intelligent and curious, and has a tremendous need to communicate verbally. The superficiality so often seen in Gemini Sun is not usually as evident in the Gemini Ascendant, but the tendency for one side of the mind not to know what the other side thinks or says is often even more extreme in the Gemini ASC-which can be most infuriating to those who would like to rely on the person and believe what he/she says. The person is not intentionally dishonest; it is just that the right hand knows not what the left hand is doing! (I should also state, however, that I have encountered at least two Gemini Rising people who are very reliable!)

CANCER ASCENDANT: A sympathetic, mild demeanor, but the sensitivity and sympathy are often directed just as much toward oneself as toward others, often being oversensitive to hurts and slights. In this sense. Cancer Rising seems to exhibit a more superficial type of empathy for others than Cancer Sun, whose feelings tend to go deeper and whose sentiment is more personally touching. Cancer ASC often seems even more reserved and private than the Cancer Sun person, who by virtue of his or her great acting ability can often seem quite social and out~ going. The Cancer Rising person is usually a strong introvert. although I have seen cases where the Moon was in Leo or a similar extroverted sign and the more outward-oriented tendencies were predominant.

LEO ASCENDANT: A Leo Ascendant often seems to motivate a person to try hard to express one’s best self. That is not to say that the pride (and even arrogance) of the sign Leo is completely absent from those with [20 Rising, but it does appear that they have less need to “lord it over” other people than those with Leo Sun do. The Leo ASC seems to encourage an especially authentic expression of the person’s Sun energy, whereas the Leo Sun person often displays a more self-conscious dramatization of his or her deeper feelings. Bigheartedness. often said to be a trait of Leo, seems to be a more reliable quality in those with Leo ASC than Leo Sun, which so often insensitively manipulates others for personal gain. Leo ASC can. however, demonstrate an extremely aloof hearing and, because of their inordinate need for respect and a show of dignity. often seems to lack the spontaneous humor and playfulness of Leo Sun.

VIRGO ASCENDANT: Virgo ASC people often have a higher level of self-confidence than Virgo Sun people, and oddly enough, their humility often seems more authentic in at least one way: those with Virgo ASC always acknowledge that they have more to learn and further to go to improve themselves. The self-criticism that so often defeats and depresses Virgo Sun people is sometimes. but not nearly so often, found in the Virgo ASC. It is as if the Virgo ASC more often “works off” their doubts rather than just dwelling on them. The conservative and conventional qualities found in abundance in Virgo Sun are not nearly so deep-seated in the Virgo rising person, who may appear aloof, severe, or withdrawn but whose appearance may hide a much wilder nature. The Virgo Sun person is usually better with detailed analysis than is the Virgo ASC, although both often display craftmanship skills.

LIBRA ASCENDANT: Although a Libra ASC often tends toward a somewhat narcissistic self-centeredness more often than is the case with Libra Sun. it must be stated also that the Libra ASC person is sometimes genuinely kinder and sweeter than is the Libra Sun. who often relates to others in a more detached way, realizing that life is not all sweetness and light. Libra Rising lends a personal tone to the way all the other energies of the chart are expressed. Although close relationships are of central importance to those with Libra Sun. the need for “the other" is sometimes even more crucial for the Libra ASC person, whose entire life often seems focused on the primary relationship of their life [or the lack of such a relationship). When there is no partner, the Libra ASC person sometimes loses all sense of direction and can feel a serious lack of initiative and physical energy. Fuller details about their relationship needs can be understood by evaluating Venus in the chart. The Libra ASC individual often at least appears more superficial than the Libra Sun, who is usually much deeper than they let on. Also, Libra ASC seems to retain a romantic view of life longer than the often cynical Libra Sun.

SCORPIO ASCENDANT: Always known for intensity, those with Scorpio Rising are very often associated with the healing arts. exploring other people's motives (such as through psychotherapy). or exploring the unknown or esoteric. Although Scorpio is often described as courageous, what is usually not mentioned is how much fear is the element motivating their actions. For Scorpio, the best defense is a good offense. Those with Scorpio Rising are constantly on the defensive to a degree not usually seen in Scorpio Sun. Scorpio is a sign of emotional extremism. and it is therefore easy to find a powerful negative expression of Scorpio ASC for every positive expression. Scorpio Rising has in fact gained a rather negative reputation over the years, one which is not entirely undeserved. No other Rising Sign can rival it for vindictive, ruthless, jealous behavior. Vengeance is often a strong motivating factor in their behavior, as is a sometimes paranoid obsession with self-preservation. This often takes the form of a reluctance to let go of anything-money or emotions; they have a great fear of letting go and losing control. Those with Scorpio ASC can be perceptive into others’ deeper feelings and motives, when not projecting their own motives onto others. They can be extremely resourceful and often intensely dedicated to a difficult challenge or life mission. The negative traits mentioned above are sometimes greatly ameliorated in Scorpio Sun people. who can be very loyal to those whom they allow into their “inner circle” of friends. Also. the tendency to undermine oneself seems much less common in Scorpio Sun than in Scorpio ASC. In considering the ruling planet of the ASC, the Mars sign is always more important than the sign of Pluto, and a positively directed Mars can help channel and transform the often self-destructive Scorpio energy.

SAGITTARIUS ASCENDANT: The optimism, buoyancy, enthusiasm, and broad-mindedness that are often, but not always, seen in Sagittarius Sun people are almost uniformly expressed by those who have Sagittarius ASC. Virtually every Sagittarius ASC person I have ever seen could be described as perpetually “up beat," even in the face of continued disappointments or obstacles. Although the tendency toward forcefully preaching one’s personal beliefs as universal truth is present in Sagittarius ASC as well as in Sagittarius Sun. the ASC expression of this tendency is usually more tolerant and inspiring. while the preaching of a Sagittarius Sun person is often experienced as being hit over the head with “the Truth." in other words. self-righteousness seems considerably more flagrant in those with Sun in Sagittarius. Also, Sagittarius ASC people almost never show the aimless. drifting discontent that is so often seen in those with Sagittarius Sun. Sagittarius Rising seems more inclined toward definite action in line with an ideal, whereas Sagittarius Sun is sometimes limited to mental or theoretical activity alone.

CAPRICORN ASCENDANT: Capricorn Rising often expresses itself with extreme negativity and skepticism, more often than Capricorn Sun does. However, one should understand that in both cases this apparent cynicism and disdain for the new is often a protective cover for a more inquisitive, vulnerable, even spiritually-open nature. Capricorn simply does not like to have time wasted on unproven ideas, but practical and logical proof even of unorthodox realities will often be enough to capture their interest and eliminate their automatic skepticism. Although Capricorn Sun and ASC are both extremely concerned with outer form, appearances, and reputation, the Capricorn ASC seems to be far more fearful of public opinion, often going to great lengths to appear normal, conservative, and “safe." Capricorn Sun seems to have a greater drive toward achievement and authority and a more determined approach to worldly success. Capricorn ASC sometimes seems satisfied merely with being secure. Both are so impersonal that relations with others am often problematical, although Capricorn Sun more often than Capricorn ASC finds it hard to relate on an even one-to-one level.
AQUARIUS ASCENDANT: An unconventional, rebellious streak pervades the personalities of both Aquarius ASC and Aquarius Sun people. but these traits go much deeper in those with Aquarius Sun. They are usually lifelong afficionados of the new, the imaginative, and the revolutionary, even if they don't express it overtly very often. Those with Aquarius Rising often seem a bit kooky; indeed, they often feel rebellious, but there is usually a stronger attunement to convention in them than is seen in most Aquarius Sun individuals. Both types usually exhibit an immediacy of perception and understanding, a thinking speed and rapidity of learning, that can be startling to their slower friends. Both exhibit a cold detachment that is frustrating and often shocking to move emotionally sensitive people; Sun in Aquarius seems to be more aloof and impersonal than is Aquarius ASC. The traditional Saturn ruler-ship seems to be stronger than the modem ruler Uranus in many people who have Aquarius Rising. But the house and sign position of Saturn is always important for all Aquarius ASC people.

PISCES ASCENDANT: Because the Sun is weak in Pisces, thus allowing Pisces Sun individuals to be strongly influenced by all of the other factors in their charts, there seem to be more types of Pisces Sun individuals than Pisces Rising people. Those with Pisces ASC are almost uniformly sensitive, compassionate, emotional, imaginative, and helpful. There seems to be a strength of character in the Pisces ASC that is sometimes lacking in the Pisces Sun, who is so often passive, evasive, escapist, and irresponsible. Probably it is the ancient ruler of Pisces, Jupiter, that accounts for the strength of character and buoyancy that is especially evident in so many Pisces ASC people; sometimes that is far more apparent than the influence of the modern ruler Neptune. In fact, one should always look to the Jupiter sign and house of Pisces ASC people for key insights to their nature. Besides being able to empathize with and help those who are having difficulties, Pisces Rising people am also often philosophical and surprisingly unperturbed when they themselves experience misfortune. Like Virgo ASC (its opposite sign), Pisces ASC people don’t feel the need for credit or public acknowledgement for all they contribute to others.